This term, in Rainbow Room, we will be reading Commotion In The Ocean written by the author Giles Andreae and The Rainbow Fish written by the author Marcus Pfister.
If you would like to listen to the stories click the links below.
Half term round up!
This half term we celebrated the King’s Coronation by watching the event online, learning all about his life and having an outdoor fish and chip lunch. We had a visit from Paul Cookson, a poet, who helped us to write a poem titled: King, Country and all things Royal!
In Science, we have been looking at plants and what they need to grow. We completed an experiment by putting cress in different places around the class and we planted our own sunflowers, which have started to grow.
In History, we have been exploring what seaside holidays were like 100 years ago and how they differ to seaside holidays nowadays. We used pictures as evidence to help us identify similarities and differences.
In Art, we looked at the artist Van Gogh and used bright colours and bold brush strokes to create our own flower images.
In Computing, we have been looking at coding and debugging instructions when they go wrong.
It has been very busy this half term, but we have worked hard and are enjoying our topic of the seaside, which we will continue next half term.